The Formative Assessment Blueprint

3:27:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

The Formative Assessment Blueprint

So you have to delve deep into formative assessment, but you don't know where to start. Fear not, you are not alone.

Many striving to refine their craft of teaching and learning to refine the application of this process. But, my observations reveal the greatest hurdle is understanding the true essence of formative assessment.

What You Need to Know About Formative Assessment

  • It's more than a method. 
  • It goes beyond a checklist.
  • It's a blend of theory and practice.

Formative Assessment Is More Dynamic Than It Appears

Fully implemented, formative assessment reaches beyond the quantifiable data. It includes professional knowledge along with the too often overlooked professional intuition that reaches deep into the beliefs and values of educators.

From my perspective, when both quantitative and qualitative information come together, intuitive decision making reveals itself as a 6th sense...

I know, this isn't researched based, but after 27 years in the classroom, I'd say I feel confident in making this statement. It's about application and experience, not just theory. Yes, there are effective ways to include all the steps that make it effective, but there's more.

We'll get back to the "professional intuition" in a future post. Coming to understand the intuitive component requires more investigation and thoughtful consideration. Today, I am going to share with you a clear explanation of the roadmap of a formative assessment cycle.

The Formative Assessment Blueprint

Let's address the process of FA.

Below is a picture - with my own visual enhancements :) - that reveals the roadmap of formative assessment. The process is not as overwhelming as it appears.

Formative Assessment: Making it Happen in the Classroom, by Margaret Heritage (2010), is one of the best resources to help you proceed with confidence. (CLICK HERE to get the book - not an affiliate link)

The ultimate goal of formative assessment is closing the gap between where a learner is in comparison to where they need to go. The process is listed below. Note the representation of this process in the Formative Assessment Blueprint above.

  1. Identify Learning Goals
  2. Generate Learning Progressions
  3. Establish Criteria for Success
  4. Provide Evidence of Learning
  5. Interpreting the Evidence
  6. Identifying the Gap(s)
  7. Provide Effective Feedback
  8. Adapt Instruction for Progress
  9. Create Instructional Supports for Differentiation 
  10. Providing Evidence That the Gap Was Closed (SA)

A Closer Look at The Formative Assessment Blueprint

You can review this list and gain an understanding of the process with the help of the graphic above. But, let's review each step in greater detail.

Formative Assessment Blue: Step 1:

Identifying the Learning Goals

Learning goals are derived from the CCSS. Teachers must identify which learning goals are relevant and necessary. 

A word of caution. Don't try to assess a broad range of skills/concepts at once. Keep your focus narrowed to a specific learning outcome that supports the goal. The more specific you are, the greater clarity you will have in the process.


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