Blogger Tutorial: How to Put Related Posts at the Bottom of the Post in Blogger

9:11:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Putting Related Posts With Thumbnails at the Bottom of Your Posts Keeps Reader's Interest

By putting related posts with thumbnails at the bottom of your post, you're doing more than making your blog look cool. Putting related blog posts at the bottom of your blogger posts actually increase your SEO. This is because you create internal links within your site. This is a good thing. You're telling the spiders that cruise through your site that you are thoughtful about the content, that it's all related. SEO ranking, or link juice, that gets traffic, likes this stuff. this internal linking also increases the reality of your site for visitors. Putting related posts with thumbnails at  the bottom of your post is a simple process. Even if you know nothing about HTML you can do it. Just follow the direction below and you're blogger site will have related posts with thumbnails in just a few minutes. All you're going to to is open your HTML code of your blogger site and post the code I give you in the specific place I tell you paste it. There are two piece of code you need and they're given to you below. See, I told you, no coding skills necessary. All you need it to find the location of where to paste this code. First... Step 1 You need to go to the HTML of your blogger site. Click in the HTML window anywhere in the code. Bring up the HTML search bar in the upper right hand corner of the HTML text box. You do this by hitting COMMAND F on a mac and Control F on a PC. Notice, you see a small search bar that reveals itself in the upper right hand corner.
This is where you place specific code to help you locate it. The location of the code I'm about to give you is important. You MUST paste the code you copied in the correct location in the provided code or it won't work. Step 2 Copy this very short code:
Go over to the search bar you just pulled up on your site. Paste the very short code into the search bar in the upper right hand corner and press enter. This will find the code you put in the search bar and highlight it in yellow. Now you found the proper location within the code. Put your cursor to the left of the highlighted code and press return a couple of times. This is giving you the space to paste the next bundle of code you'll be putting in. Creating this space does not change the code of your site. The only thing this does is make room for the code you're about to paste in this space.
Come back to this post. Step 3 Add Style to the Related Post Be sure to copy the exact code, with no extra spaces included. COPY THIS NOW:
<!--Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles Start-->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<style type='text/css'>
#related-posts { 
#related-posts h2 { 
    margin-top: 10px;
#related-posts .related_img { 
    border:4px solid #f2f2f2;
    transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;
    -o-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;
    -ms-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out; 
#related-title {
    color: #222;
    line-height: 16px;
    padding: 0 10px;
    text-align: center;
    text-shadow: 0 2px 2px #fff;
    width: 100px;
#related-posts .related_img:hover{ 
#related-title:hover { 
    text-decoration: underline; 
<script type='text/javascript'>
imgr=new Array();imgr[0]="";showRandomImg=true;aBold=true;summaryPost=400;summaryTitle=20;numposts1=12;numposts2=4;function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){var s=strx.split("<");for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){if(s[i].indexOf(">")!=-1){s[i]=s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length)}}s=s.join("");s=s.substring(0,chop-1);return s}
  function showrecentposts1(json){j=(showRandomImg)?Math.floor((imgr.length+1)*Math.random()):0;img=new Array();if(numposts2<=json.feed.entry.length){maxpost=numposts2}else{maxpost=json.feed.entry.length}for(var i=0;i<maxpost;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var pcm;var posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='alternate'){[k].href;break}}for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='replies'&&[k].type=='text/html'){[k].title.split(" ")[0];break}}if("content"in entry){var postcontent=entry.content.$t}else if("summary"in entry){var postcontent=entry.summary.$t}else var postcontent="";postdate=entry.published.$t;if(j>imgr.length-1)j=0;img[i]=imgr[j];s=postcontent;a=s.indexOf("<img");b=s.indexOf("src=\"",a);c=s.indexOf("\"",b+5);d=s.substr(b+5,c-b-5);if((a!=-1)&&(b!=-1)&&(c!=-1)&&(d!=""))img[i]=d;var month=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];var month2=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];var day=postdate.split("-")[2].substring(0,2);var m=postdate.split("-")[1];var y=postdate.split("-")[0];for(var u2=0;u2<month.length;u2++){if(parseInt(m)==month[u2]){m=month2[u2];break}}var daystr=day+' '+m+' '+y;pcm='<a href="'+posturl+'">'+pcm+' comments</a>';var trtd='<div class="col_maskolis"><h2 class="posttitle"><a href="'+posturl+'">'+posttitle+'</a></h2><a href="'+posturl+'"><img class="related_img" src="'+img[i]+'"/></a><div class="clear"></div></div>';document.write(trtd);j++}}var relatedTitles=new Array();var relatedTitlesNum=0;var relatedUrls=new Array();var thumburl=new Array();function related_results_labels_thumbs(json){for(var i=0;i<json.feed.entry.length;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];relatedTitles[relatedTitlesNum]=entry.title.$t;try{thumburl[relatedTitlesNum]=entry.gform_foot.url}catch(error){s=entry.content.$t;a=s.indexOf("<img");b=s.indexOf("src=\"",a);c=s.indexOf("\"",b+5);d=s.substr(b+5,c-b-5);if((a!=-1)&&(b!=-1)&&(c!=-1)&&(d!="")){thumburl[relatedTitlesNum]=d}else thumburl[relatedTitlesNum]=''}for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='alternate'){relatedUrls[relatedTitlesNum][k].href;relatedTitlesNum++}}}}function removeRelatedDuplicates_thumbs(){var tmp=new Array(0);var tmp2=new Array(0);var tmp3=new Array(0);for(var i=0;i<relatedUrls.length;i++){if(!contains_thumbs(tmp,relatedUrls[i])){tmp.length+=1;tmp[tmp.length-1]=relatedUrls[i];tmp2.length+=1;tmp3.length+=1;tmp2[tmp2.length-1]=relatedTitles[i];tmp3[tmp3.length-1]=thumburl[i]}}relatedTitles=tmp2;relatedUrls=tmp;thumburl=tmp3}function contains_thumbs(a,e){for(var j=0;j<a.length;j++)if(a[j]==e)return true;return false}function printRelatedLabels_thumbs(){for(var i=0;i<relatedUrls.length;i++){if((relatedUrls[i]==currentposturl)||(!(relatedTitles[i]))){relatedUrls.splice(i,1);relatedTitles.splice(i,1);thumburl.splice(i,1);i--}}var r=Math.floor((relatedTitles.length-1)*Math.random());var i=0;if(relatedTitles.length>0)document.write('<h2>'+relatedpoststitle+'</h2>');document.write('<div style="clear: both;"/>');while(i<relatedTitles.length&&i<20&&i<maxresults){document.write('<a style="text-decoration:none;margin:0 4px 10px 0;float:left;');if(i!=0)document.write('"');else document.write('"');document.write(' href="'+relatedUrls[r]+'"><img class="related_img" src="'+thumburl[r]+'"/><br/><div id="related-title">'+relatedTitles[r]+'</div></a>');if(r<relatedTitles.length-1){r++}else{r=0}i++}document.write('</div>');relatedUrls.splice(0,relatedUrls.length);thumburl.splice(0,thumburl.length);relatedTitles.splice(0,relatedTitles.length)}
<!--Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles End-->
Paste this code in the space you created in the code in the previous step. This is what it will look like: Before Pasting the Code:
After Pasting the Code:
Step 4 Add the Thumbnail to the Related Post Copy the code below. Paste it into your finder and press return, just like you did for the previous step.
<div class='comments' id='comments'>
Once you press return, the finder reveals the location of where you want to place the next piece of code you will need to enter. Notice, the yellow highlight.
Again, you're going to create a space for the code you are about to enter by putting the cursor before the yellow highlighted code and press the return key a couple of times. Notice the space above the highlighted code.
Copy the code below. This is what you will paste in the space you just created in your site's HTML code. paste it before the code you just found in your HTML finder.
<!-- Related Posts with Thumbnails Code Start-->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div id='related-posts'>
        <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
            <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>
        <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
        <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels_thumbs&amp;max-results=6&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop>
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            var currentposturl=&quot;<data:post.url/>&quot;;
            var maxresults=6;
            var relatedpoststitle=&quot;<b>Related Posts:</b>&quot;;
<!-- Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End-->
Then click "save template"
You now have related posts with thumbnails at the bottom of your blogger post! Congratulation!!!

How to Add a Twitter Button to the Sidebar of Your Blogger Website

9:09:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Add a Twitter Button on Blogger

This will only take you a couple of seconds, I swear!
how to get twitter on the sidebar of blogger site
Adding a Twitter button on the side bar is VERY simple. If you already know how to add a widget to your blogger template you're half way there. You'll need two things to add twitter to your blog.  
  1. Your Twitter Handle
  2. The HTML code
You have your handle and I have the code for you. This is going to be a snap! I Promise. Follow the steps below to add Twitter to your blogger site

Step 1

Go to your blogger platform and click on template.
In your side bar click "Add Gadget".
The selection of wide comes up in a separate window. Select "HTML code"


Copy the code below. After you paste the code in the HTML widget, replace YOUR BLOGGER HANDLE in the code with your specific handle.
<!-- Twitter follow button start -->
<a class="twitter-follow-button" href=" BLOGGER HANDLE" data-show-screen-name="false" data-size="large">Follow @YOUR BLOGGER HANDLE</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
<!-- Twitter follow button end -->
Press save and view your website. YOU'RE DONE! If You're more of a visual learner here's a video showing you how to move through these steps. I told you adding a Twitter button to your site was going to be easy! If you thought this was helpful, please share it with someone who would benefit! Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help you every step of the way!

4 Things to Consider Before Differentiating for your Students

9:05:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

In professional conversations with educators across grade levels, I've heard some interesting conversations. One focused on student performance and the implementation of differentiation. It seems some teachers are concerned that differentiation has done little to help students. As one teacher said this:
"We're differentiating to the point where the very standards that used to be the anchor of teaching and learning are being adapted and modified to the point where they carry little weight and compromise what achievement looks like!"
This teacher when on to say that differentiation was in her words, "used and abused" to the point where young people have less academic challenges than they did just decades before.
This is a serious concern for all educators with a classroom of varying abilities. We adapt and modify process and products to the point where it seems what used to be grade level standards are now manipulated.
But, let's consider the changes in the world along with the changes in teaching and learning. Inclusion is now common place. It's not unusual to have students varying in ability that spans 8 - 9 year.
The class population is often made up of a combination of English language learners, OHI, special education, 504, and the list goes on.
Release the guilt of believing you are responsible to make every child reach the exact same expectation at the same time within a standards driven instructional environment.
Each student, as proven by current research, develops at their own pace. You can only guide students and support them, help them make a way for their potential.

3 Tips to Differentiate with Integrity

High Expectations, Flexible Boundaries

Neurologically, there are commonalities across populations of students, but then consider those factors unique to each. Learning styles, environment, health, socio-economic conditions, etc.
With these in mind, it's difficult to imagine conformity to teaching methods and time lines based on stringent parameters. If all minds and bodies were forced to learn skills using one method and one time frame, teachers' efforts would surely be wasted.

Get Messy Sometimes

Let go of the limiting belief that you have failed as an educator if a student doesn't learn what you have taught on your projected time frame. Let go of the belief that students must reach mastery at the same time as their peers.
Let go of expecting to meet every child's needs the first go round.
Finds comfort in being driven by the standards while differentiating for need. Begin embracing the glorious mess that is learning in a classroom of varied abilities.

Become a Keen Observer

And finally, look for ways to gain insight to your students through the use of observation, data collection, and flexibility.  You deserve to give yourself credit for the positive impact you make on students every day without judging yourself against the impossible dream of uniformity.
Remain focused on the standards, and open to diversity. Seek support of your professional peers, and be open to new methodologies and management skills to find balance. Make strides towards differentiation and welcome the growing pains that are part of the journey.

Differentiation is Not a Compromise

On the way to developing a standards based grading, differentiation is not the road to compromise. In this every changing world, fair is not always equal, and in light of this, it is up to us to help all students flourish and rise to their potential and all its beautiful uniqueness.
But, don't forget to nourish yourself along the way because you are a student, too my friend, and your achievements and growth as a professional deserves the same flexibility and support as you offer your students.

Turn Content into a Slideshow in Less Than 5 Minutes

8:59:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

3 Minute Blogging Tutorials for Teachers

You can repurpose any classroom content into a new presentation that helps you prepare instruction for a wide variety of learning styles. By this I mean, taking previously created informational or instructional resources  and turning it into a new style of presentation. For instance, you can take a blog post or a word document into a video to students for the sake of instruction and generate a slideshow. Sticking to my goal of creating 3 Minute Blogging Tutorials, my goal is to make this fast and painless.  

How to Turn any Blog Post Into a Slideshow in Under 10 Minutes

Step 1 Copy the text out of your blog post or word document and paste it into a .txt document. Step 2 Press enter after each sentence. Each time the enter key in hit, you're telling the system to create another slide. So, Delete any space between sentences or you'll have a blank slide between each sentence. Step 3 Copy the .txt document and open PowerPoint (PC) or Keynote (Mac). in a new document open the outline view. Right click on the first slide of the outline and past the .txt document in the outline slide. BAM!!! You're done! You just created a slideshow from your blog post in under 5 minutes! Now you just need to formate the slides. This is the great first step to a screen-cast, and screen-cast can be an incredible teaching tool.

8:57:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

2 Simple Tech Tools that Make Teaching Easier

In my classroom I use a lot of video. Unfortunately, our school doesn't allow access to YouTube in many other video And audio sites. In order to access YouTube whether it was a self-created video on my YouTube channel or accessing a tutorial created by someone else, I would have to use my iPhone as a hot spot throughout the day. Needless to say I ran through my data, And it cost me a great deal of money by the end of the year. I search for a way to solve this problem and when I came up with we're two tools that gives me great flexibility using video in the classroom. No, many of the videos I use are my own. I have a YouTube channel and upload instructional videos. This isn't a new concept I any means. But the issue was my students couldn't access these videos while at school. This sent me on a search and what I came up with was a tool that quickly downloads videos to my computer. The good news is there are no extensions that are downloaded. I've had no problem with anything extra being secretly installed in my hard drive like I have in the past with other tools. The tools I came across were video and listen to Both of these tools have a specific function. Video is used to download entire videos. Where as listen to is he used to download MP3s period Here's a word of caution though video does have a explicit advertisements on the lower half of the page. And, these advertisements are above the fold. So if you're going to use video be certain that you're not in school and use it with discretion when you're at home. Click on each of the links below. They're self-explanatory, and they're very fast. What you do with them once you download them is open to your creativity.


This resource downloads the entire video to your hard drive. You can access them off line. If you want to create your bank of videos and organize them for your own use, they upload nicely to Google Drive. Just be warned, there are some explicit advertisements that pop up on the lower half of the screen, above the fold. So, if you have kids in the house, you may want to precede with caution.


This downloads the MP3 of the video. It's great for music and even better for audio books. Take it to the next level and download the recordings to your iPhone to take them anywhere. I haven't had any issues with extensions downloaded to my computer. But, I use a Mac. It may be different for a PC. Hope you like my 2 simple tech tools to help you bring YouTube into your classroom. If you found these tools helpful let me know how you use them in your classroom. SaveSave

6 Resources to Help Teachers Better Undertsand Formative Assessment

9:15:00 AM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Here are some resources on formative assessment by Dylan Wiliam. Feel free to share this page with other teachers looking to get a better understanding of how F.A. drives teaching and learning.

Dylan Wiliam, "Black Box"

Inside the Black Box
Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam. King's College London, 1998
Working Inside the Black Box
Working Inside the Black Box: Assessment for Learning in the Classroom. Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall, and Dylan Wiliam, King's College London, 2002

Assessment for Learning: 10 Principles, Assessment Reform Group, 2002
Testing, Motivation and Learning
Testing, Motivation and Learning: Assessment Reform Group, 2002
The Black Box Assessment for Learning Series, edited by Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Bethan Marshall, and Dylan Wiliam, King’s College London has been written to apply to specific curriculum areas.. These resources are not available online. Details of the titles available are listed on the Assessment Online Publications page.

Dylan Wiliam videos on formative assessment
These short videos feature one of the gurus of formative assessment talking about a range of formative assessment aspects. Watch as he reviews the nature of formative assessment and how teachers can use it to gain better insights into student learning and achievement. They are available on the Education Scotland website. Type "Dylan Wiliam" into the search.

Dylan William’s five key strategies animated on YouTube
Michael Rystad summarises the Five Key Strategies for Embedded Formative Assessment as proposed by Dylan William.  The YouTube presentation is in an animated drawing/writing style, with a simple expansion of the ideas contained in each of the strategies.
PDF icon. William, D., Keeping Learning on Track Formative assessment and the regulation of learning (PDF 130 KB)
In this paper, Dylan Wiliam outlines some of the research that suggests that focusing on the use of day-to-day formative assessment is one of the most powerful ways of improving learning in the mathematics classroom.

Let's Clarify a Myth Surrounding Formative Assessment

6:36:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

One Major Misconception of Formative Assessment

Formative assessment has been in the forefront of eduction for years, intact, over a decade. However, in the recent years it has been touted as the 'new' method in education that maximizes learning.

Research supports the positive impact on teaching and learning, and teachers have proven it's success repeatedly over the year. Due to professionals at the grassroots level, in the classroom, educators across the country have learned to embrace the processes and methods within formative assessment and adapt it to meet the needs of their learning communities, inspire of constraints that face them.

When blended with a classroom teacher's expertise of pedagogies, content areas, and classroom management, formative assessment is a powerful approach to maximizing teaching and learning.

Unfortunately some leaders in education perceive formative assessment as a checklist that 'gets things done' and aligns to common core standards. To the teachers across the nation who have had formative assessment and standards based grading thrust upon them by misguided administration who believe implementation is as a easy as giving a book on the topic to the staff, I express my sympathies.

The problem with forcing the formative assessment shift into a learning environment is that it destroys the confidence of even the most seasoned teachers. There is one myth about formative assessment that must be destroyed, and it is this...

Formative Assessment is NOT a quantitative instructional checklist 
teachers attend to while planning!

Formative assessment, and strandards based grading for that matter, CANNOT be an impulsive decision by one decision maker at the helm.

The process of moving towards such a significant shift in a school or an entire district, has to happen through a journey of growth where shared values are developed for each individual teacher, while nurturing the shared beliefs of how students learn best.

If educators are forced to implement the process of formative assessment and standards based grading without the opportunity to investigate its elements and nuances as they present themselves in their current context and conditions, formative assessment will surely fail.

Let's get this clear, formative assessment does have clear processes and procedures - yes, theory - that could, in fact, be reduced to a checklist, and this may be helpful to those in the stage of exploring F.A. But the power lies in the beautiful intersection of procedures and intuition.

Magical teaching and learning happens at 
the intersection of highly effective instruction and 
professional intuition of a confident instructor.

This is where teachers become artists. It is the real magic of the teaching and learning community. It is easily observed, but more difficult to be detailed for the sake of evaluation and reporting. If evaluators understood the complexity of what contributes to 'excellent teaching' they would understand that formative assessment requires a shared experienced across their learning community.

They would respect their staff and share information that encourages dialogue encouraging teacher to explore then processes of formative assessment and engage in professional reflection around their experiences. After multiple experiences in a variety of contexts, wise leadership would allow for further discussion among staff members to flesh out the strengths and weakness.

In the end, the implementation of formative assessment, requires decision makers to move beyond the belief that a book and a checklist reviewed during a staff meeting or two is enough to implement the multi-demontional formative assessment, with any kind of integrity.

Before ANY significant, district-wide, curricular changes are made, decision makers and educational leadership should required to educate themselves and be required to present a collection of evidence and data that reveals THEIR deep understanding of the proposed shift BEFORE they impose that shift on the learning community at large.

Rant Over


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Understanding Literary Argument

1:50:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

A literary arguments is an anlaysis or argument of a literary work. Liteary  analysis focuses on how and why a literary work was created and why the author made choices as they did.

Literary analysis calls for students to analyze elements of a narrative where literary ARGUMENTS call for students to take a position of a debatable topic and attempt to change the reader's mind about them. The more presuasive the argument, the more likely the reader will concede to the points made.

A Literary Argument is ...
  • arguable
  • contestable
  • analytical claim


In "Black Boy", by Richard Wright, Richard's mother takes severe action against her son, but established herself as a 'good' parent.

In Dr. Martin Luther Kind, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, he uses the literary device of repetition to strengthen the connection with his audience.

In "Fighting Off the Sharks for a Fish", G.G. Marquez uses vivid imagery to reveal the struggle of survival of the main character.

Why Teacher Literary Argument?

Literary argument present the opportunity to broaden the perspective of others. It shows others what the reader 'sees' in the text by presented and defending a judgement. 

It also develops higher order thinking skills. Students learn to interpret by analyzing what a text does, what it communicates, and how it conveys its specific message.

Ways Student Develop Thinking Skills

They conduct inquiries in to, and then develop claims about how an author uses literary devices to impact the delivery of their message.

They observe how a poet uses metaphors to extend the theme

They compare texts' treatment of literary conventions for insight about how human interactions may be impacted by different environments.

Interpretation IS analysis of text.

Readers judge when they evaluate a text's value. Judgements are made when readers assert a value about aesthetics, social norms, political beliefs, or ethical issues.

Judgement arguments can be tricky. They only succeed when they are supported by criteria or extended definitions. Writers of literary argument must establish qualifiers in order to establish a sound argument.

In literary analysis, thesis statements are Toulmin's claims. The process of writing a literary argument is very similar to writing about a literary topic. But, there are required features to establish a claim the writer will prove with evidence.

What remains the same is that the thesis statement (claim) must be focused, contestable, and analytical, just as the claim is in the Toulmin Model.

Contestable Thesis Statements

Developing a contestable thesis statement draws in the reader and engages them in the argument. Notice the examples below. Notice how non-contestable statements have a "so-what' feeling to them, drawing little attention to their purpose. They set the reader up for a summary rather than an argument.

Non-Contestable Thesis Statements
Contestable Thesis Statements
Romeo and Juliet tells the story of lovers thwarted by their families' feud.Romeo and Juliet dramatizes the impact of hate online to illustrate how love can 'kill' literally and figuratively. 
The Cay shares the adventures and lessons boy experiences in a time of prejudice. The Cay depicts the impact acceptance and understanding can have on humanity when the color of skin is no longer an issue.
The Pearl reveals how sudden wealth shifts can shift one's reality.The Pearl unveils how materialistic drives corrode evolved cultures and reduce human motivation to survival of the fittest to justify a means to an end.

Do You Need to Reconsider How You Utilize Homework?

4:29:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Is Homework Even Necessary?

Teachers have the ability to design worlds of wonder for their students. They decide what matters, and make it matter. When backed with passion, I'm convinced that a good teacher could make watching paint dry an unforgettable event.
This too applies to homework. If teachers recognize why homework matters, if they are able to identify its purpose with clarity, and if they use it to support students in their learning, they can help students see it from the same perspective.
Rick Wormeli, a leader in standards based grading, address how teachers can maximize students' experiences with homework. He addresses how to grade homework. Watch his video:

More Information on the Topic...

Here is an excerpt from written by Rick Wormeli

Smart Homework: Can We Get Real?

Prime the homework pump

Answering basic recall questions can make students feel like they are accomplishing a lot, but the assignments lose their luster quickly. The act of reading material and plucking answers from the text becomes drudgery. Prime the pump with assignments calling for higher thinking levels: comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
According to Frank Williams, there are eight levels of creative thought; the first four are cognitive, the last four are affective. All eight levels provide great stimuli for homework assignments. Here are some examples from Imogene Forte and Sandra Schurr’s book, Integrating Instruction in Science (1996):

  • Fluency – Think of the characteristics that distinguish a living thing from a nonliving thing. List as many of these characteristics as you can.
  • Flexibility – Devise a classification system for living things based on characteristics of living things that manifest differently in different kinds of organisms.
  • Originality – Write a description of life as if you had to explain it to a nonliving thing.
  • Elaboration – Explain how biologists rely on the methods and discoveries of scientists in other fields to do their work.
  • Risk Taking – Tell how you feel about the possible benefits and the potential dangers of modern advances in genetic engineering.
  • Complexity – Discuss the issues involved in the work of a scientist whose discoveries improve some lives, but whose work is based on experiments that harm other living things.
  • Curiosity – What questions would you like to ask a biologist in order to learn about a typical day in the life of a scientist?
  • Imagination – Write a brief imaginative account of Marcello Malpighi’s first view of the movement of blood through capillaries with a microscope.

Are We Differentiating to the Point of Compromise?

7:45:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

In professional conversations with educators across grade levels, I've heard some interesting conversations. One focused on student performance and the implementation of differentiation. It seems some teachers are concerned that differentiation has done little to help students. As one teacher said this:

"We're differentiating to the point where the very standards that used to be the anchor of teaching and learning are being adapted and modified to the point where they carry little weight and compromise what achievement looks like!"

This teacher when on to say that differentiation was in her words, "used and abused" to the point where young people have less academic challenges than they did just decades before.

This is a serious concern for all educators with a classroom of varying abilities. We adapt and modify process and products to the point where it seems what used to be grade level standards are now manipulated.

But, let's consider the changes in the world along with the changes in teaching and learning. Inclusion is now common place. It's not unusual to have students varying in ability that spans 8 - 9 year.
The class population is often made up of a combination of English language learners, OHI, special education, 504, and the list goes on.

Release the guilt of believing you are responsible to make every child reach the exact same expectation at the same time within a standards driven instructional environment. Each student, as proven by current research, develops at their own pace. You can only guide students and support them, help them make a way for their potential.

3 Tips to Differentiate with Integrity

High Expectations, Flexible Boundaries

Neurologically, there are commonalities across populations of students, but then consider those factors unique to each. Learning styles, environment, health, socio-economic conditions, etc.
With these in mind, it's difficult to imagine conformity to teaching methods and time lines based on stringent parameters. If all minds and bodies were forced to learn skills using one method and one time frame, teachers' efforts would surely be wasted.

Get Messy Sometimes

Let go of the limiting belief that you have failed as an educator if a student doesn't learn what you have taught on your projected time frame. Let go of the belief that students must reach mastery at the same time as their peers. Let go of expecting to meet every child's needs the first go round.
Finds comfort in being driven by the standards while differentiating for need. Begin embracing the glorious mess that is learning in a classroom of varied abilities.

Become a Keen Observer

And finally, look for ways to gain insight to your students through the use of observation, data collection, and flexibility.  You deserve to give yourself credit for the positive impact you make on students every day without judging yourself against the impossible dream of uniformity.
Remain focused on the standards, and open to diversity. Seek support of your professional peers, and be open to new methodologies and management skills to find balance. Make strides towards differentiation and welcome the growing pains that are part of the journey.

Differentiation is Not a Compromise

On the way to developing a standards based grading, differentiation is not the road to compromise. In this every changing world, fair is not always equal, and in light of this, it is up to us to help all students flourish and rise to their potential and all its beautiful uniqueness. But, don't forget to nourish yourself along the way because you are a student, too my friend, and your achievements and growth as a professional deserves the same flexibility and support as you offer your students.

Are We Differentiating to the Point of Compromise?

7:45:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Are you concerned that you're differentiated to the point where you've watered down the curriculum?

This is a serous concern for all educators with a classroom of varying abilities. We adapt and modify process and products to the point where it seems what used to be grade level standards are now manipulated.
But, let's consider the changes in the world along with the changes in teaching and learning. Inclusion is now common place. It's not unusual to have students varying in ability that spans 8 - 9 year.
The class population is often made up of a combination of English language learners, OHI, special education, 504, and the list goes on.
Release the guilt of believing you are responsible to make every child reach the exact same expectation at the same time within a standards driven instructional environment. Each student, as proven by current research, develops at their own pace.
Neurologically, there are commonalities across populations of students, but then consider those factors unique to each. Learning styles, environment, health, socio-economic conditions, etc.
With these in mind, it's difficult to imagine conformity to teaching methods and time lines based on stringent parameters. If all minds and bodies were forced to learn skills using one method and one time frame, teachers' efforts would surely be wasted.
Let go of the limiting belief that you have failed as an educator if a student doesn't learn what you have taught on your projected time frame. Let go of the belief that students must reach mastery at the same time as their peers. Let go of expecting to meet every child's needs the first go round.
Finds comfort in being driven by the standards while differentiating for need. Begin embracing the glorious mess that is learning in a classroom of varied abilities.
And finally, look for ways to gain insight to your students through the use of observation, data collection, and flexibility. 
You deserve to give yourself credit for the positive impact you make on students every day without judging yourself against the impossible dream of uniformity.
Remain focused on the standards, and open to diversity. Seek support of your professional peers, and be open to new methodologies and management skills to find balance.
In this every changing world, fair is not always equal, and in light of this, it is up to us to help all students flourish and rise to their potential and all its beautiful uniqueness. But, don't forget to nourish yourself along the way.

21 Easy Formative Assessment Startegies

4:17:00 PM Viv Beck 0 Comments

Formative Assessment Really is Easy!

Last year I took a course online with It was about formative assessment. I loved every minute of it because a learned some new strategies I was able to implement immediately in
my classroom.

This class also validated many of the methods I've been using for some time. 25 Quick Formative Assessments in a Differentiated Classroom was a require book. I'm glad I came across this book. It's filled with ideas for immediate student engagement.
A favorite change I made was the use of mini-whiteboards. I went to the hardware store and had pieces of wood cut onto 18 x 12" pieces. I bought the wood and they cut it for free. Although this wasn't "quick" because of the purchase, once I had them I used them often.
Students demonstrated their understanding of current grammar skills by writing sentence that included specific features. It was a non threatening environment to experiment and explore skills regardless of their performance level. Using whiteboards are effective for immediate assessment and providing feedback. The best part is student can immediately correct themselves to experience a deeper understanding of the skill or concept.
According to Rick Wormeli, multiple pieces of evidence should be collected in order to grasp the level of student understanding. This means not only observing proficiency levels, but also recording the evidence for future reference. This is why collecting the data is significant to effective differentiation.

4 Types of Formative Assessment Strategies

In order to gather evidence, you can categorize formative assessment in four categories. These categories meet the needs of different types of learners. Thought the course of one lesson make an intentional effort to include a variety of assessments from each category to gather evidence that reveals the range of their understanding.

     1. Summaries & Reflections

Student stop and reflect. (Introspection) They can reflect on what they read, watched in a video, experienced in group work, or how they solved a problem.The reason for reflection is to make sense of what they were thinking. deriving personal meaning from their learning is an important metacognitive skill. To purpose is to use content specific vocabulary.

     2. Lists,Charts, and Graphic Organizers

Student will organize information, sometimes independently  and other times with the prompting of the teacher. The purpose is to make connection within given information and across information. Graphic organizers encourage students to generate deeper meaning from new configurations of information. When using graphic organizers, provide multiple formations of visual representation of the same information. Reprocessing and "repackaging" the information helps deliver information to the long term memory.

     3. Visual Representations of Information

Student will use both words and visuals to make connections. Sketch-noting or visual notes are an example of this method. This process facilitates retrieval of information in the future. Because it is both writing and drawing it is referred to as "dual coding" allowing learning to happen with different ways of "knowing".

     4. Collaborative Activities

Movement helps the brain work more efficiently. When students move about the room and communicate with others they express their ideas verbally. Social interaction is also a stimulus to support retention. Social-academics is often beneficial to the majority.

21 Easy Formative Assessment Activities to Get You Started Today

1: ABC Brainstorming
Using the ABC brainstorming strategy with students midway through a unit provides you with information about what students have learned about a particular topic. Working individually, in pairs, in small groups, or as a class, students brainstorm words or phrases that begin with each letter of the alphabet and are related to the current unit of study. Midway through a unit on fire safety, students may write “meeting place” next to the “M” and “stop, drop, and roll” next to the letter “S.” A glance through the brainstormed lists helps you determine what information is lacking and provides direction for planning opportunities that focus on these gaps in your students’ learning. A graphic organizer that can be used with the ABC brainstorming assessment strategy is available at Student Handouts.
2: Analogies
A useful formative assessment strategy is to ask students to create an analogy between something they are familiar with and the new information they have learned. When asked to create an analogy for an atom, students may come up with an atom being like a community. The nucleus of the atom is like your immediate family. The electrons that fly around the nucleus are like members of the community that you may or may not interact with on a regular basis. Asking students to explain their analogies will show the depth of their understanding about a topic.
3: Checklists
Class checklists are a great tool for collecting data about students during a unit of study. Before beginning a new unit, make a list of all the skills students will need to demonstrate mastery of the unit’s outcome(s). On a chart, list the students names down the left hand side and the skills across the top. Clip the chart to a clipboard and position it in an easily accessible place. As students are participating in various learning opportunities, observe the students and check off the skills you see students demonstrating with proficiency.
4: Choral Response
If you need a quick assessment of student understanding, ask students to respond to a series of questions “as a class.” If you listen carefully to the number and content of responses, you will get a good idea of whether or not the students are clear on what you are presenting. Choral response encourages all students to be actively engaged in the assessment process.
5: Call Out
After a lesson ask the student to reflect on their level of understanding of a given concept. Ask them to identify a number 1 - 10, 1o being the "Totally Get This" level and 1 being the "I Don't Get It At All" level. Allow them time to think silently. On the count of 3, have student shout their level of understanding. You'll be amazed at how well you can distinguish the voices and get a good understanding of the class's level of performance and individuals you can identify by voice.
6: Concept Maps
Concept maps are a type of web that provides a visual representation of student understanding about a particular topic being studied. Google “concept maps graphic organizers” for a variety of printable concept maps that your students can use. Students print the topic or main idea in the oval in the center of the page. They then write supporting details in the spaces surrounding the center oval. Depending on the age and ability of the students, they can also group similar supporting details together. Using concept maps is a skill that must be taught to students. Once students are familiar with concept maps, they can be used as a formative assessment strategy in any subject area.

7: Double Entry Journals
Journals are a great way to formatively assess students and get a “window” into their thinking. Double entry journals are one form of journaling. A double entry journal has two columns. In the left column, students write key words, ideas, or quotations. They then give their personal response to these words in the right column. Students may include questions that arise out of their responding. By reading the students’ responses, you can assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the topic you are studying. For example, when studying flight provide students with the phrases “lift vs. gravity,” “Wright brothers,” and “laws of flight.” Students print these phrases in the left hand column of their journal and then respond to them in the right hand column. Reading over the student responses will provide you with information about student understanding. More information on double entry journals is found at Helpful ESL Links.

8: Exit Cards
Exit cards could be used on a regular basis to formatively assess what your students know, understand, and have learned during a current unit of study. Before students leave at the end of class, ask them a question or pose a problem for them to solve. Give students a problem involving interest to solve during a unit in math or ask students to draw and label the planets when studying the solar system in science class. Ask students why people leave their homeland in social studies and how they would feel if they had to relocate with their family to another country. Students record their responses on a scrap piece of paper, a file card, or a sticky note. Collect the exit cards as the students leave the classroom. Glance through the exit cards to determine if students are generally understanding the topic or whether you need to provide further whole class or small group instruction in a particular area. Separate the exit cards into piles, indicating students who have mastered the outcome or are well on their way to doing so, students who are making steady progress, and students who need additional one-on-one or small group instruction. Exit cards can be used to create groupings for the next day’s lesson and activities can be planned based on the students’ responses.
9: Four Corners
A great way to get students out of their desks and moving is the four corners strategy. Some students learn better when they are moving so this strategy appeals to their learning preference. In each corner of the room, provide a label. Label one corner, “Strongly Agree,” one corner, “Agree,” the third corner, “Disagree,” and the final corner, “Strongly Disagree.” Call out a fact or statement about the current unit of study. Students go and stand in the corner that matches their response. Encourage students to share their reasons for choosing the response. Have one or two students from each corner share their answers with the rest of the class. By listening to the students as they discuss their reasons and share them with the class, you are provided with information that can guide future lessons.
10: Graffiti Wall - The graffiti wall is fun activity for students and gives you a visual representation of what your students have learned during a unit of study. Cover a part of a wall with white paper. Encourage students to write or draw what they have learned about a topic. Students can jot down facts, write personal opinions, connect their learning to other areas of study, etc. Using the graffiti wall activity partway through a unit provides you with information for further planning of instruction. If there appear to be gaps in your students’ learning, you can target those areas and further assess to see if there is indeed a deficit that you need to focus on in future lessons. Students may have made connections that you were not expecting or hadn’t even thought of when planning the unit. The information you collect from the graffiti wall is valuable formative assessment data. Leave the graffiti wall up during the remainder of the unit and students can continue to add comments and drawings. For more information about using a graffiti wall as an assessment strategy please visit Whitley County Consolidated Schools and Grand Island Public Schools.

11: Inside-Outside Circle
The inside-outside circle is a strategy that can provide you with information about student learning. Divide your students into two groups. One group is the inside circle and the other group forms the outside circle. Students pair up with other students in the opposing circle and face one another. The inside circle begins by responding to a question or statement provided by the teacher. After a set amount of time--perhaps a minute or two, students reverse roles and the outside partners respond. While students are responding, circulate around the circles and listen to comments and explanations being shared. This information will help guide further planning.
12: List 10 Things
About midway through a unit of study, instruct students to list ten things they have learned during the unit. Gather these lists and read through them to get an idea of where students are in regard to understanding. Look for gaps in learning or misunderstandings. These gaps and misunderstandings can be addressed in future lessons.
13: Observations
Observing students can provide valuable information about how students are progressing and what strategies they are using to learn. Recording information can take several different forms. You can use sticky notes to jot down your observations. At the end of the day, these sticky notes can be easily filed into individual student file folders or binders. Using a grid that contains all the names of the students in your class is another useful collection device. As you observe different students, you jot down information in their box on the grid. The grid allows you to see, at a glance, the names of the students who have not been observed. These students can then become the focus of your observation during the next class. File cards are another collection device. Notes about individual students can be collected on file cards. At the end of class, file these cards behind each student’s name. When you are ready to analyze your observations, simply pull out all the file cards on a particular student and read the comments you have made during your observations. If observations are taken over a number of classes, you can determine whether there is a pattern to the behaviors you observe.
14: One Minute Essays
The one minute essay is a quick formative assessment strategy that allows you to gauge student understanding of a particular topic. Pose a question to the students have the students respond. Tell the students they have one minute to write down their response. Ensure the question you ask can be answered in one minute. Use questions that cause students to
15: One Sentence Summaries
Asking students to provide you with a one sentence summary of what they have learned provides you with information about what your students know about a topic. Give students time to reflect on their learning and encourage students to think about their response. The depth of the student summaries will indicate their understanding of the topic or unit to date and provide you with direction for future planning of lessons.
16: Peer-Assessments
This process is best with a provided assessment tool. When evaluating peer work with a check list or a rubric, student are responsible for explain why the work being evaluated earned the evaluation that was completed. They must also be able to provide feedback as to how the student could move closer towards fulfilling the work as outlined by the provided standards and exemplar.
17: Quick Writes
Quick writes give teachers a visual of student learning. Provide students with an open-ended question and set an amount of time for having them write--from two to five minutes. Tell students not to worry about the conventions of writing but rather focus on getting their ideas down on paper. When the time is up, ask students to put their pencils down. Look through the quick writes for valuable information regarding the knowledge and understanding
18: Repeat Pre-assessments
Another way to formatively assess your students is to repeat a pre-assessment strategy you used at the beginning of a unit of study. At the start of a unit on ecosystems, you may have asked your students to create a web or write a one-minute essay on ecosystems. Midway through the unit, repeat the strategy you used to collect pre-assessment data. Read through the student responses and compare the depth of understanding to the initial assessment. Most pre-assessment strategies can be repeated to determine what students have learned and to inform your instruction.
19: Self-Assessments - Provide each student with a self-assessment related to your unit of study. Self-assessment involves students reflecting about their own learning in relation to unit goals or outcomes. Checklists or open-ended questions can be used to assist students with their reflections. Include questions that deal with student understanding about the topic and with the identification of areas that need more information or more practice. Students are often able to articulate their learning needs to us. We just need to ask the right questions. Self-assessments is one way of asking students about their learning and the information can then be used to help plan future instruction.
20: Sentence Prompts
Sentence prompts can be used in a variety of ways to informally assess students and gather information to inform instruction. Simple sentence starters such as the following could be used:
• I understand ....
• I don’t understand ....
• I need more information about ...

21: 3-2-1 - The 3-2-1 strategy is a quick way to gain information about all the students in your class and the level of understanding they have about a current unit of study. Ask students to jot down three things they have learned about a topic, make two personal connections to the topic, and one area that is unclear or one question they have about the topic.
Hopefully these ideas are enough to have you trying something you have never done before in class. Keep in mind, repetition on type of formative assessment over time is effective in developing specific skills sets related to the formative assessment you have choose. My suggestion is to select two or three appropriate strategies for your learning environment. Take apply them and collect data in meaningful ways that helps you make decision about planning and teaching.